Deportations to Afghanistan and the Criminalization of Refugees

War in Afghanistan

The planned deportations from Germany to the Afghanistan will be postponed, due to a carbomb that killed at least 90 people in Kabul on Wednesday morning.  Germany´s minister of internal affairs Thomas de Maiziere said on Wednesday that the deportations were not delayed because of the dangerous situation for the all citizens, but because the German embassy in Kabul was not able to manage the deportations just days after the blast. The people who were supposed to be deported are kept in a detention center until their deportation will take place since it should be rescheduled ‘as soon as possible’. Their detention is enabled by a new German law which allows to put people that are supposed to be deported, including children, behind bars until their departure.

Only after a lot of protests in different cities in Germany and a lot of political and media attention to this topic, the German government decided to delay the deportations for one month until the Embassy is prepared. Also, there are no news about the people who were deported from Sweden and Denmark to Kabul earlier this week, no news about their condition. 

No Deportations

It is inhuman to deport people to a place like Afghanistan now, where there is ‘war everyday’. Deportations to Afghanistan as well as to any other country have to stop. There should be freedom of movement and equal rights for all people to stay on any ground where they want to live, like Harsha Walia wrote ‘for immigration to be a problem, people must live in a propertied relationship to land’ (in ´Undoing Border Imperialis, 2013). Passports should be abolished because they intensify inequality in the world: Guess which passport gives you the greatest freedom of movement? 

2017: The German year of Deportations

Because of the closing of the Balkanroute in March 2016, less people are newly arriving in Germany which allows the BAMF (Federal Office for Migration and Refugees) to work on the existing open asylum applications. It seems like they are trying to process every application really fast, but with which goal? ‘The year of 2017 must be marked by deportations’, Horst Seehofer,  said which was confirmed by de Maiziere in the REPORT MAINZ. At the same time, de Maiziere suggests that especially people who are accused to be criminals should be deported back to Afghanistan. 
In this context we cannot forget that refugees and migrants are being criminalized at all levels:
1. The only possible way to get asylum in the EU is to come illegally because of you have to be on the territory of a country to apply for asylum and there are no ‘legal ways’ to get into the EU.
2. People who are crossing the borders face terrible police violence and silent push backs. 
3. There fingerprints will be collected in the EURODAC database as if they committed a crime.
4. According to the planned Common European Asylum System (CEAS) refugees can be detained during their asylum procedure. 
5. If they don’t get a status, they can be put in prisons for an unknown time, until they will be deported.
Draw your own conclusions and become active against Fortress Europe and the CEAS!

Podiumsdiskussionen Asylpolitik und Grenzen – 7.6. und 9.6. in Leipzig – Event

inEUmanity Vertreter*innen im Gespräch und Diskussion über Asylpolitik und Militarisierung der Grenzen in Deutschland und der EU —
Nächste Woche stehen 2 Podiumsdiskussionen mit inEUmanity in Leipzig an:

Im Grassi Museum sprechen wir am Mittwoch den 7. Juni mit Max Pichl, Asylrechtexperte, über anstehende Asylpolitikreformen wo unter Dublin IV, und im welchem Licht wir das sehen.

In Grünau sprechen wir am Freitag den 9. Juni mit Sabine Werner, Baraa Alkurdi und Pr. Dr. Uwe Berlit über grundlegende Informationen über ein Asylverfahren, die Leistungen eines/r Asylbewerber/in und Geflüchteter, europäische und deutsche Asylpolitik und die Persepektive der Geflüchteten darauf ins Gespräch kommen.

Ihr seit allen herzlich eingeladen und wir hoffen auf sinnvolle Diskussionen!
Beib informiert auf unsere Facebooksite:

7. Juni ins Grassi Museum:
9. Juni in Grünau:

The Borders of the EU – Event

The Borders of the EU –

Info- and Discussion Evening

Spinhuis, Singel 165a Amsterdam
23.5.17 – 20:00

This summer the Europian Union Parlement and Commission will decide about a new plan for the Common European Asylum System (CEAS). This will make the situation for refugees even more inhuman, and goes together with the militarisation of borders in and out of Europe. Through different agreements the EU is expanding its borders to Turkey and North Africa, wherethrough a militarized buffer zone around Europe is created. Now, the Balkanroute is already almost closed, and so many people are stuck for months. Although we react shocked about Trumps wall to Mexico, what is happening in front of our noses we dont see.
Thats why we are going to explore the plans for the CEAS in a EU critical framework. The EU project is not a solidarity project for freedom and equallity; it is an elite project build upon colonial and imperialistic structures, and refugees are a (not-)desired by product, who can also again be exploited and used for the EU capital. This will be explored together with some personal stories of experiences at the Balkanroute. Moreover, there will be a photo exhibition with pictures of Abdulazez Dukhan, who was himself in Greece as a refugee. We envite you to think critically with us and discuss our possiblities to act against this situation and show solidarity with refugees!


Evicitons of the Baracks in Belgrade – State violence against people only in interest of capital


For months about 800 refugees have been living in abandoned barracks behind the central station of Belgrad. Most of them are not planning to stay in town for a long time, they are just waiting for the next possibility to go further west to Germany and other countries. But now they are stuck in Serbia because the EU has closed their borders. After the Commissariat and Police evicted the Parks around the bus station most people came to the barracks to build a basic home here and to organize their lives together.

A few days ago, the Commissariat of Refugees in collaboration with the Serbian police and the Serbian military took people away from the barracks. They forced them to register and sent them to different official camps in Serbia. Although the barracks seem terrible for living, a lot of people prefer living here that living in an official camp. To be registered and to live in official camps can be dangerous, because there have been illegal deportations from camps during the night in the past. Camps are often far away from the cities, there is a lack of social contact with local people. Often there is also a lack of infrastructure so they depend on the camp and have no autonomy.

Continue reading “Evicitons of the Baracks in Belgrade – State violence against people only in interest of capital”

No Prisons! No Closed Camps! – Solidarity with all refugees!

Last week during a police raid in Serbia 200 people were taken from Ŝid, a village close to the Croatian border, to Preševo, a closed camp near Macedonia. Waiting for the next chance to cross the Croatian border from where they have been pushed back to Serbia several times, these people have been sleeping in official camps, others in barracks or the forest near the Croatian border. On Tuesday morning they were taken to the police station by buses and then brought to the closed camp in Preševo.

What are Closed Camps?
Closed camps are state-run camps controlled by the police. They have controlled fences, the people are not allowed to get out or move freely within the space of the camp. Furthermore, they don’t have any contact with the outside world. Only the police, the Commissariat and some NGO’s are allowed to get inside. That means closed camps are like prisons. Often people are imprisoned in closed camps over months. The only way to get out is to escape or to be illegally deported. During the last months people were repeatedly deported from Preševo to Macedonia after NGO’s had left the camp at night.

Criminalising refugees and locking them up in closed camps behind fences is common all over Europe. Invisible imprisonment is a tactic to keep the refugee situation out of the public discourse. At the same time, it is a way for the government to deport people secretly.
Refugees should not be constraint in their movements, or locked up in prisons.


Freedom of movement for everyone!


Von ‘Kein Mensch ist illegal’ und ‘Starthilfe Plus’

Vor heute knapp 20 Jahren gab es ein sehr junges Bündnis, das ein Manifest verfasste, das seitdem nie an Bedeutung verlor. Denn egal wohin wir schauen, ob an die Außengrenzen Europas, oder darüber hinaus. Überall dort wo die EU ihre Interessen durchsetzt können wir es beobachten: Fluchtursachen haben ihren Ursprung viel zu oft in europäischen Wirtschaftsinteressen. Zwischen Abschottung, Stacheldraht und „Aufbauhilfe“ können weder die “Überlastung der Systeme” durch die vermeintlichen “Ströme” der Ankommenden, noch sonst eine andere inhaltsleere Entschuldigunghülle über die Verantwortung des Todes so vieler Menschen hinwegtäuschen (offiziell bereits über 5000 Menschen im Mittelmeer im Jahr 2016, Dunkelziffer unbekannt). Auch kommerzielle Fluchthelfer*innen, abgestempelt als “Schlepper” oder “Menschenhändler”, haben die Opfer nicht zu verantworten.

Neoliberale Interssenspolitik und die scheinheilige versuchte Lösung der daraus entstandenen Probleme (wie Krieg, Globale Erwärmung, Verarmung) werden dagegen viel zu selten zur Verantwortung gezogen. Wer denkt, dass hinter „Refugees Welcome“ die Forderung einer nachhaltigen Verbesserung steckt, täuscht sich selbst über die kommerzielle Ausbeutung solcher Ideale hinweg.
Continue reading “Von ‘Kein Mensch ist illegal’ und ‘Starthilfe Plus’”

The Wall – Trumpism in the EU

While the world is shocked about the wall that Donald Trump says he wants to build to keep people from Mexico out of the US borders, that he is forbidding people from specific countries to enter the USA; and while everybody points to these right-wing extremists and these racists that are guilty, all the governments in the European Union are involved in following the same mechanism that Trump follows.

Continue reading “The Wall – Trumpism in the EU”

Redebeitrag: Demo gegen Pegida // Dresden

“Nun stehen wir erneut den tobenden Massen gegenüber. Oftmals dargestellt als isolierte Extrempunkte der Gesellschaft. Einzelne Reden wie die von Bernd (alias Björn) Höcke mögen uns vielleicht schockieren, doch schauen wir lieber auf den Staat, welcher diese Gesellschaft ummantelt. Bereits hier lässt derselbe Rassismus die selben Tendenzen zur Ausgrenzung feststellen. Dabei werden ohnehin benachteiligte Gruppen der Gesellschaft gegeneinander ausgespielt. So lassen sich als homogen dargestellte und Continue reading “Redebeitrag: Demo gegen Pegida // Dresden”